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Physical Activity in Children

This course explores how to encourage children of various ages to be more physically active. It will also explaine the numerous benefits of physical activity. This course also acknowledges the adjustments required when planning exercise for children.
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Course Info
training HOURS
2 training/clock hours
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0.2 CEUs
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Preschoolers, Elementary Schoolers
  1. Identify child friendly and child safe exercises.
  2. Identify why exercise is important for children.
  3. Demonstrate how to lead child friendly physical activities.
Bertelsen Education courses are internationally accredited through IACET.
This course counts towards the following CDA core competencies and naeyc standards:
2. Advancing Children's Physical and Intellectual Development

2 -Curriculum
5 - Health 
 9 - Physical Environment
Meet the instructor

Megan Hill

My name is Megan Hill. I grew up in Houston, Texas, but now I live in St. George, Utah about 30 minutes away from Zions National Park. I have a little toddler named Nate and my life has become pretty centered around him and I wouldn't have it any other way. For fun, I enjoy cooking and baking, walking/jogging and hiking, crafting, reading, and cleaning (yes I’m serious!). During this pandemic, I have definitely found more time to enjoy my indoors-y hobbies and Pinterest has become a dear friend. I have my Bachelors in Public Health and will have my Masters in Public Health by April 2021. I have also been an AFAA certified group fitness instructor specializing in Mat Pilates, HIIT, and Tabata.
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