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Creating Successful Sleep for Infants

Keep the littlest ones in your childcare facility safe and snoozing with this interactive course. Be a professional at getting the children in your care their Zzz's. We will cover SIDS, successful naps, safe sleep, nap routines, sleep needs by age, soothing techniques, communicating sleep needs with parents and more! Students will gain a deeper knowledge of children's developmental stages and recognize the cues for when a child is ready for sleep as well as the importance of sleep routines.
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Course Info
training HOURS
2 training/clock hours
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0.2 CEUs
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Infants, Newborns
  1. Identify signs of an overtired child and the hormones needed to sleep well.
  2. Describe strategies to enhance day time sleep.
  3. Identify strategies to effectively communicate with parents about their child's sleep.
  4. Recognize safe sleep practices and design a safe sleep policy.
  5. Execute effective communication skills with parents about their child's sleep.
Bertelsen Education courses are internationally accredited through IACET.
This course counts towards the following CDA Core Competencies:
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1 - Planning a Safe and Healthy Learning Environment
This course counts towards the following NAEYC Standard(s):
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5 - Health
7 - Families
Meet the instructor

Jill Bertelsen

Hi, I am Jill, the instructor for this course. A little bit about me, I have a Bachelor's in Marriage and Family Studies, am a Certified Gentle Sleep Consultant, a Certified Potty Training Consultant, a mother of 2, and I love Reese's candies. My husband, Justin, and I are the owners of Bertelsen Education, and are excited for you to take this class. Let's get started!

See what other learners are saying about this course...

Instructor was very thorough with information. Videos and quiz’s were full of important information.
Teacher, Minnesota
I learned a lot about the importance of consistency and about SIDS. The instructor made the course very easy to understand.
Teacher, Oklahoma
This course really helped me understand more about safe sleep and all of the ways to help the children in my care have better sleep routines. I really appreciated the instructor speaking about the myths of certain topics as I was not fully aware of all of them. I believe this course also helped with how we communicate with parents and how consistency is so important. 
Teacher, South Dakota
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